Cannabis: A Journey into Consciousness

by : Admin 18 July 2024

Cannabis: A Journey into Consciousness

Cannabis has been utilized across various cultures and historical contexts for its psychoactive and medicinal properties. Its effects on consciousness, perception, and mood are profound, making it a tool for introspection, creativity, and spiritual exploration. This article delves into the phenomenology of cannabis, examining its diverse subjective experiences and their implications for mental health and spiritual practices.

Cannabis in Cultural and Spiritual Contexts

Cannabis has a long history of use in various cultural and spiritual practices:

Hinduism: Cannabis as a Break from Life’s Burdens

In Hinduism, cannabis is revered as a sacred plant. It is mentioned in the Atharva Veda as one of the five most sacred plants on Earth, referred to as a "source of happiness" and a "liberator." It is used to deepen spiritual experiences, foster devotion, and connect with the divine.

Cannabis, known as "bhanga" in some Hindu traditions, is often associated with taking a break from the burdens of life. It can offer a respite, allowing users to relax and detach from everyday stresses. This detachment can lead to heightened awareness and a deeper appreciation of aesthetics, color, and novel mental associations.


In Rastafarian culture there is a profound reverence for cannabis, or the "holy herb," holds deep symbolic meaning. It is seen as:

  • The Tree of Life: A symbol of liberation, resistance, and spiritual enlightenment.
  • A Sacred Herb: A divine gift that enhances spiritual connection and insight.
  • A Tool for Meditation: Used to achieve heightened consciousness and gain wisdom.

The communal use of cannabis in Rastafarian rituals, known as "reasoning sessions," involve the sharing of spiritual insights, discussions on religious texts, and the passing of the "chalice" (a communal cannabis smoking device). The act of sharing cannabis fosters a sense of unity and spiritual connection among participants.

Terrence McKenna’s Insights on Cannabis Use

Terence McKenna offered several insights into the benefits of cannabis:

  • Thinning the Boundary Betweenthe Conscious and Unconscious Mind: Cannabis allows for a flow of energy usually channeled into dreams to manifest in waking reveries.
  • Dissolving Personalistic Perspective: It helps shift focus from mundane concerns to broader intellectual and creative pursuits.
  • Surprising One’s Own Knowledge: Cannabis enables unexpected creative connections and insights.

Enhancing Sensory Perception and Emotional Experiences

One of the most notable effects of cannabis is the intensification of sensory perception. Users often report:

  • Enhanced Visual Perception: Colors appear brighter, scenes gain depth, and patterns become more evident.
  • Increased Auditory Enjoyment: Music can seem more beautiful and immersive.
  • Heightened Taste and Smell: Flavors and aromas become more pronounced and enjoyable.
  • Body-image changes: including a change in the feeling of body coherence, numbness, and sensations of lightness in the limbs, feelings that the limbs or head have lengthened or shortened.
  • Changes in time perception: seeming to pass more slowly.
  • Synesthesia: Experiences where senses blend, such as "seeing" sounds or "tasting" colors.

These enhanced perceptions contribute to a richer experience of the world, where even mundane activities can become sources of joy and wonder.

Therapeutic Useof Cannabis and Emotional Catharsis

Cannabis can facilitate emotional release and introspection. Users often experience:

  • Euphoria and Relaxation: A general sense of well-being and relaxation.
  • Emotional Insight: Access to suppressed emotions and a new perspective on personal issues.
  • Dreamy-Detached Feelings: A sensation of drifting or floating, feeling of fluctuating between dreaming and waking, often leading to drowsiness and deep sleep.
  • Heightened Responsiveness to Primary Suggestions: Increased susceptibility to suggestions and ideas, enhancing the depth of the therapeutic experience.

These emotional experiences can be therapeutic, allowing individuals to process and release trapped emotions.

Cannabis and Practical Applications

Cannabis is also valued for its practical applications in enhancing creativity, work efficiency, and physical performance. Terence McKenna, a prominent advocate of cannabis, suggested using it for:

  • Enhancing Creativity: Cannabis allows for unexpected ideas and deeper intellectual exploration.
  • Improving Work Efficiency: It can provide a "second wind" for creative and physical tasks.
  • Improving Sexual Performance: Cannabis can enhance sexual stamina and control.

However, it's important to note that everyone is unique, and these effects reflect McKenna's personal experience.

Terence McKenna's Cannabis Tips

Terence McKenna described a specific approach to using cannabis, which he believed maximized its benefits:

"I think the real way to do cannabis is like once a week, by yourself, in silent darkness, with the strongest stuff you can get."

This method emphasizes a disciplined and intentional use of cannabis, aiming for profound introspection and heightened experiences.

Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only. Individual responses to cannabis may vary, and caution should be exercised when considering its use for any purpose.


Cannabis, with its rich phenomenological effects, serves as a powerful tool for enhancing sensory perception, emotional catharsis, and spiritual exploration. Its diverse applications, from cultural rituals to personal introspection, highlight its unique ability to deepen our understanding of consciousness and our place in the world. By embracing the phenomenology of cannabis, individuals can experience a profound journey into the depths of their own minds and the vast expanse of human experience.