How We Work

Free Yourself from Years of Emotional Burdens

Heal Deep Traumas, Release Trapped Emotions, and Transform Limiting Beliefs

In today's world, we’re more prone than ever to severe stress, chronic anxiety, unprocessed grief, and self-esteem issues. Our minds are constantly replaying negative narratives, we’ve been taught to suppress our emotions, leading to severe burnout, identity issues, and unrelenting inner turmoil.

Embrace Cathartic Release

Humans are naturally designed for catharsis and abreaction. Drawing from Stanislav Grof’s work and The Theory of Human Catharsis (Heron, 1977, revised 1998), the release of trapped emotions is essential for healing both the mind and body. When our basic human needs go unmet, this can cause acute psychosomatic tension. Releasing these emotions through catharsis is essential for healing and emotional wellbeing.

The Art of Letting Go

Understanding the concept of letting go is just the beginning and intellectual understanding isn’t enough. True healing requires catharsis. Until you physically feel the release of tension, you'll never be fully free from it. Immersive psychedelic experiences can provide a safe space to fully engage in the healing process without intellectualizing it. Just feel, be guided, and let the journey transform you.

Imagine how your life would change from finally unburdening yourself from old traumas trapped in the body?

The Benefits of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

  • Feel More Alive: Rejuvenate and find new zeal for life.
  • New Direction and Clarity: Move forward rather than staying stuck.
  • Altered States of Consciousness: Gain new perspectives and experiences.
  • Emotional Liberation from Traumas: Achieve peace of mind and self-love.

How We Work

The stages of psychedelic-assisted therapy include:

Stage 1: Preparation

Preparation involves cultivating a healthy mindset and framework to ensure a meaningful ceremonial experience while minimizing risks. Begin by identifying your intention—why are you seeking the psychedelic experience? This intention becomes the center of your voyage. Preparation involves setting intentions and readying the body, mind, and spirit.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Motivations

Ask yourself, why you're drawn to using psychedelics? Assess if your reasons are grounded in a desire for growth or healing, or if they stem from escapism. Understanding your true motivations is crucial. Your psychedelic journey could be recreational, seeking connection, or a deeper quest for healing and transformation. Recognize that your motivation and active participation are essential for a profound experience.

Step 2: Define Your Intentions

What do you hope to achieve from the experience? Once you grasp your motivations, pinpoint one to three specific outcomes you are seeking. Your intention serves as a guiding light during both preparation and the journey itself. Feeling informed and confident in the choice to participate in a psychedelic experience is essential to a positive, meaningful outcome. Whether it's relief from mental illness, emotional exploration, or processing trauma, clarity is paramount. Cement your focus by writing down your intention(s).

Step 3: Physical, Mental, & Emotional Preparation

It's never too early to start preparation. Prioritize holistic well-being by:

  • Adopting healthier habits
  • Cutting out substances and medications that may interfere
  • Ample time for sleep and rest
  • Integrate practices like meditation and breathwork to foster mental clarity and emotional stability.
  • Consider fasting before the experience for optimal results.

Step 4: Understanding Set and Setting:

Before delving into psychological safeguards, grasp the significance of set and setting in psychedelic voyages. Set encompasses your mental and emotional state, including mindset, intentions, and emotional well-being. Setting refers to the physical environment, encompassing location and ambiance. Both profoundly shape your journey's trajectory and quality, underscoring the importance of thorough preparation for a safe and transformative experience.

Stage 2: Psychedelic Medicine and Ceremony

The second phase of the journey is the administration of the psychedelic medicine. Psychedelic therapeutic and treatment sessions are closely monitored and occur in warm, safe environments. The patient will have been informed of dosage, depending on the type of medicine prior to administration and at the designated of the patient's clinic. Treatment sessions can last from 3-8 hours depending on dosage and type.

Typically, during a treatment session patients are lying down in a chair or bed, often with an eye pillow and soft music. Depending on the type of session, therapist’s sit with patients throughout their session offering support yet interfering with the experience as little as possible. In some treatment sessions therapists may facilitate therapeutic techniques for accessing difficult emotions and past experiences.

Step 1: What Happens During a Psychedelic Session?

1. Mind & Body Reorganization: Through psychedelics, we can shed layers of trauma, outdated habits, and limiting beliefs, addressing lifelong struggles with anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and stress.

2. Catharsis: Psychedelic-assisted therapy facilitates the somatic release of trapped emotions, providing profound relief and emotional liberation.

3. Shift in Consciousness: Psychedelics act as catalysts for a perceptual revolution, fostering inner harmony, profound peace, and self-responsibility.

4.Deactivation of Default Mode Network (DMN): The DMN, the seat of self-reflection and potentially the neurological basis for the self, is temporarily silenced, offering a fresh, pure, and unfiltered perception on our existence. A quieting of the DMN, or transient hypofrontality, allows the ego to dissolve momentarily, ushering in a state of “flow” where boundaries blur, and profound insights emerge.

5. Peak Experiences: Engaging in psychedelic-assisted therapy often elicits peak experiences, connecting us to realms beyond time and space, evoking feelings of transcendence, interconnectedness, meaning, purpose, and love.

Step 2: Navigation

Within the ceremony, catharsis and the fluid movement of internal content propel us forward. This stage involves the intense, transformative experiences facilitated by psychedelics, where deep-seated emotions and memories are brought to the surface, allowing for profound healing and insight.

Step 3: The Power of Emotional Release

Psychedelic experiences can provide the necessary release for pent-up emotions and traumas, allowing for self-regulation and profound personal growth.

Benefits of Emotional Release:

  • Freedom from the Past: Release burdens that have held you back.
  • Physical and Psychological Relief: Experience lightness and relief.
  • Forgiveness, Self-Love, and Acceptance: Foster a nurturing relationship with yourself and others.
  • Resilience and Emotional Stability: Navigate life’s challenges with ease.
  • Tranquility and Inner Peace: Restore balance and harmony in your life.
  • Empowered Transformation: Open yourself to new possibilities and personal growth.

Step 4: The Return

After the journey, a transitional phase unfolds as we reintegrate into everyday life, transformed by our experiences. This stage is crucial for integrating the insights gained during the psychedelic session and ceremony into daily living, fostering lasting change and personal growth.

Stage 3: Integration

The third phase is integrative therapy sessions where the patient explores the meaning of their experience and processes it with a therapist. This is a crucial phase that determines if the experience will create lasting change. These sessions occur as a follow up with the treatment team, clinic, or administering professional. They also can occur with the patient’s individual therapist after receiving a treatment outside of their typical sessions.

Integration of a psychedelic experiences begins before treatment starts with preparation and clearing of the body and mind. Bringing greater intention to the treatment process before taking a substance allows access to the depths of one’s being, often setting the groundwork for a more meaningful experience.

Immersive psychedelic experiences can liberate you from past emotions and open the way for a fulfilling life. Experience the liberation from old traumas, free yourself of limiting beliefs, and gain the clarity that comes with profound emotional release. Rediscover your core self and inner voice. Embrace a life filled with joy, purpose, meaning, and happiness.


Depending on the individual reason for and response to treatment there may be additional psychedelic treatment sessions. Psychedelics are not a one-time cure-all. They are often catalysts to greater healing a deeper process of integrating insights and practices into everyday life. Repeat as necessary with a minimum of one month between treatments and ceremonies. Studies show that multiple psychedelics experiences over time create better positive effects.