Frequently Asked Questions

Programs FAQs

A: Our program specializes in personalized psychedelic-assisted therapy, encompassing cannabis, ketamine, and plant medicines for individual healing journeys. Our program offers comprehensive support in ensuring legal compliance, selecting suitable ceremony locations, providing facilitator support, and implementing essential safety measures for individual sessions. Additionally, we offer group preparation and integration sessions for a collaborative healing journey.

A: Facilitators are permitted to provide medicine only within Colorado. Clients outside Colorado must source their own psychedelic medicine. We assist with harm reduction and educational resources. We do not provide or sell cannabis, ketamine, psilocybin, or any other psychedelics. We are not affiliated with any suppliers or retailers in any capacity. Our practices strictly adhere to all local, Arizona State, and federal laws and regulations.

A: While our services are legal, possessing psychedelics in the US is federally illegal. Legality varies by state and city/county laws. We do not encourage or facilitate illegal activities. Licensed practitioners can legally administer ketamine-based medications. You will work with licensed nurses who can administer ketamine to qualified patients under strict guidelines and state regulations.

A: Not everyone is eligible. We provide legal, safe, ethical, and professional therapy services. Each client undergoes a thorough assessment to determine eligibility for cannabis and ketamine therapy, or any other psychedelic, which includes medical and psychiatric evaluations. Psychedelics are not appropriate for everyone. Certain conditions, like untreated hypertension or heart disease, may disqualify you. Pregnant or nursing women are also ineligible due to potential risks to the fetus or child.

Location FAQs

A: HIPAA-compliant telehealth counseling is available for intakes, psychotherapy, integration, and harm education. Cannabis and Ketamine medicine sessions are always conducted in person. Ketamine therapy is held primarily at a clinic with a licensed nurse. Plant medicine ceremonies are held in private residences, typically the client's home. Rented residences or facilitator-hosted locations are also options, with an emphasis on privacy and safety.

A: Preparation and integration sessions are primarily conducted remotely via Zoom, though in-person options are available. Ketamine therapy and plant medicine ceremonies are always held in person to ensure the necessary support from the facilitator. Additionally, our group therapy program is conducted in person to foster a supportive and collaborative environment.

A: Consultations are typically arranged on the same day. Following the initial call, clients receive detailed information about their options, including ketamine therapy administered by licensed nurses. The scheduling of plant medicine ceremonies and ketamine therapy sessions is then directly coordinated with the chosen facilitators.

Psychedelic Medicine FAQs

A: The choice of psychedelic medicine is personal and depends on your unique and individual circumstances. Facilitators can provide guidance to help you make an informed decision, with resources for further information.

A: As psychotherapists, our scope of practice is not authorized to prescribe or recommend medication, whether legal or not, due to legal and ethical constraints. It is essential to adhere to legal and ethical guidelines, which prohibit us from providing suggestions, recommendations, or advice regarding substance use.

A: Dosage varies based on individual needs and intentions. Facilitators, along with a licensed nurse, will assist in determining the appropriate amount

A: Facilitators guide clients through preparation, integration, and the Ketamine session or planet medicine ceremony itself, ensuring safety, clarity, and comfort. They offer personalized support and tools for a meaningful journey.

A: Challenging experiences, commonly referred to as 'bad trips,' may arise during psychedelic journeys, yet they often serve as transformative opportunities for healing and growth. Facilitators can help guide individuals through these moments, helping to reframe these experiences, and offer valuable tools and support to navigate the journey effectively. By emphasizing the importance of set and setting, we significantly reduce the likelihood of such occurrences while promoting a safe environment that fosters enriching and transformative exploration.

A: Psychedelics are generally safe when used responsibly and under professional supervision. Facilitators screen for safety, although risks remain, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions or in improper settings.

A: Psychedelics can cause temporary mental, emotional, or spiritual distress. Professional support helps mitigate these risks. Certain conditions and improper settings can increase potential risks.

Pricing FAQs

A: The cost for ketamine therapy varies based on individual client needs and circumstances. Our team will guide you every step of the way and address any questions you might have. Additionally, our ceremonial program can vary in pricing, with group discounts available for groups of two or more.

A: Groups benefit from discounted rates, usually averaging around 25% per participant. The final discount is determined by the facilitator, taking into account the size of the group.

A: The therapy portion of the program may be covered by your insurance, depending on your individual plan. The ketamine infusions are not covered by insurance.